Kasia Wrona studied from 1986 - 1991 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland, where the traditional rigorous academic disciplines of the Polish art schools system endowed her with acute powers of observation and fine draughtsmanship. In 1992 she won a national prize for her drawings. In 1997 she decided to “follow the sun“, leaving her home to settle in a peaceful corner of the West Algarve.
The special magic of algarvian light and the landscape are now pivotal to her artistic identity and style.
“When I discovered this place I just felt that a whole new spirit of life had taken me over in my mind and body. Everything had such a deep effect on me - the colours, the landscape, the air, the sea, the sun and the moon. I had found a place where I could appreciate life and art in a way i had never experienced before“.
The acrylic paintings, often large, range from the abstract to the surreal, highly charged with emotion and colour. The black, grey and white ink drawings, very finely worked with special pens, focus upon surrealistic imagery that is haunting and introspective.
“I use all my emotions when I express myself in my work and the passion is an important driving force in my art“. Kasia´s paintings and drawings have been exhibited in a number of art-galleries in Europe and purchased by private collectors.